Are you interested in shaping the future of affordable housing in Northern Colorado? Serve on Housing Catalyst’s Board of Commissioners!

In 2025, there will be an opening on the Housing Catalyst Board of Commissioners for a full voting member who lives in a Housing Catalyst community and/or has a voucher administered by Housing Catalyst. We encourage any resident who is interested in representing resident needs in a formal capacity to consider applying!

Before going through the City of Fort Collins application process, we invite any interested residents to attend an upcoming board meeting: November 21 at 8 a.m. or December 19 at 8 a.m. Fill out this interest form and we’ll follow up with meeting details.

The new Commissioner will start their service on January 1, 2025.

The Role of Commissioner

As a Commissioner, you will:

  • Play a Key Role in Decision-Making: You will have the same voting power as every other board member, helping shape policies and initiatives that affect our community.
  • Attend Monthly Meetings: Board meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month at 8:00 a.m., with a time commitment of 5-6 hours per month.
  • Represent Community Interests: As a Housing Catalyst resident, your insights and experiences will be invaluable in guiding our efforts and ensuring our initiatives meet community needs.

Why Serve on the Board?

Serving on the Board of Commissioners offers a unique opportunity to:

  • Make a Difference: Contribute to improving affordable housing and community well-being.
  • Develop Leadership Skills: Enhance your leadership abilities and gain valuable experience.
  • Network with Community Leaders: Build connections with other professionals and community leaders.

What is the Board of Commissioners?

The Housing Catalyst Board of Commissioners, appointed by the City of Fort Collins, governs the organization and ensures that we fulfill our mission to provide affordable housing solutions. Our board is made up of dedicated community leaders with extensive experience in business, nonprofit, and real estate sectors. They are deeply committed to improving our community and neighborhoods.

The Board of Commissioners is responsible for making key decisions on policies, financial management, and community programs. They oversee the organization’s strategic direction, approve budgets, evaluate the effectiveness of housing initiatives, and ensure compliance with federal and state regulations. By serving on the board, members play a crucial role in guiding our efforts to meet the housing needs of Northern Colorado residents.

The City of Fort Collins will ultimately select the new Commissioner from the pool of applicants, ensuring that the board reflects the diverse needs and perspectives of our community.

Who We Are

Housing Catalyst is:

  • A Mission-Driven Real Estate Developer: We are at the forefront of affordable housing, forging public-private partnerships to build and preserve affordable homes in Northern Colorado.
  • The Largest Property Manager in Northern Colorado: We have been instrumental in the creation or preservation of more than 1,800 local homes with affordable rents.
  • The Public Housing Agency (PHA): Serving Fort Collins, Wellington, and Larimer County.

What We Do

Housing Catalyst serves thousands of Northern Colorado residents each year, including families with children, seniors, individuals with disabilities, and people experiencing homelessness. Using a variety of federal, state, and local tools, we strive to make homes affordable in Northern Colorado.


Are you a Housing Catalyst Resident interested in making a lasting impact on your community? Fill out the interest form to learn more and join us in building stronger communities in Northern Colorado!